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Network Devices

Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, and Gateways

Network Repeater

A repeater connects two segments of your network cable. It retimes and regenerates the signals to proper amplitudes and sends them to the other segments. When talking about, ethernet topology, you are probably talking about using a hub as a repeater. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network communication when there are several repeaters in a row. Many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row. Repeaters work only at the physical layer of the OSI network model.


A bridge reads the outermost section of data on the data packet, to tell where the message is going. It reduces the traffic on other network segments, since it does not send all packets. Bridges can be programmed to reject packets from particular networks. Bridging occurs at the data link layer of the OSI model, which means the bridge cannot read IP addresses, but only the outermost hardware address of the packet. In our case the bridge can read the ethernet data which gives the hardware address of the destination address, not the IP address. Bridges forward all broadcast messages. Only a special bridge called a translation bridge will allow two networks of different architectures to be connected. Bridges do not normally allow connection of networks with different architectures. The hardware address is also called the MAC (media access control) address. To determine the network segment a MAC address belongs to, bridges use one of:
  • Transparent Bridging - They build a table of addresses (bridging table) as they receive packets. If the address is not in the bridging table, the packet is forwarded to all segments other than the one it came from. This type of bridge is used on ethernet networks.
  • Source route bridging - The source computer provides path information inside the packet. This is used on Token Ring networks.

Network Router

A router is used to route data packets between two networks. It reads the information in each packet to tell where it is going. If it is destined for an immediate network it has access to, it will strip the outer packet, readdress the packet to the proper ethernet address, and transmit it on that network. If it is destined for another network and must be sent to another router, it will re-package the outer packet to be received by the next router and send it to the next router. The section on routing explains the theory behind this and how routing tables are used to help determine packet destinations. Routing occurs at the network layer of the OSI model. They can connect networks with different architectures such as Token Ring and Ethernet. Although they can transform information at the data link level, routers cannot transform information from one data format such as TCP/IP to another such as IPX/SPX. Routers do not send broadcast packets or corrupted packets. If the routing table does not indicate the proper address of a packet, the packet is discarded.


There is a device called a brouter which will function similar to a bridge for network transport protocols that are not routable, and will function as a router for routable protocols. It functions at the network and data link layers of the OSI network model.


A gateway can translate information between different network data formats or network architectures. It can translate TCP/IP to AppleTalk so computers supporting TCP/IP can communicate with Apple brand computers. Most gateways operate at the application layer, but can operate at the network or session layer of the OSI model. Gateways will start at the lower level and strip information until it gets to the required level and repackage the information and work its way back toward the hardware layer of the OSI model. To confuse issues, when talking about a router that is used to interface to another network,the word gateway is often used. This does not mean the routing machine is a gateway as defined here, although it could be.

Network Topology

A network consists of multiple computers connected using some type of interface, each having one or more interface devices such as a Network Interface Card (NIC) and/or a serial device for PPP networking. Each computer is supported by network software that provides the server or client functionality. The hardware used to transmit data across the network is called the media. It may include copper cable, fiber optic, or wireless transmission. The standard cabling used for the purposes of this document is 10Base-T category 5 ethernet cable. This is twisted copper cabling which appears at the surface to look similar to TV coaxial cable. It is terminated on each end by a connector that looks much like a phone connector. Its maximum segment length is 100 meters.

Network Categories
There are two main types of network categories which are:
  • Server based
  • Peer-to-peer
In a server based network, there are computers set up to be primary providers of services such as file service or mail service. The computers providing the service are are called servers and the computers that request and use
the service are called client computers.
                  In a peer-to-peer network, various computers on the network can act both as clients and servers. For instance, many Microsoft Windows based computers will allow file and print sharing. These computers can act both as a
client and a server and are also referred to as peers. Many networks are combination peer-to-peer and server based networks. The network operating system uses a network data protocol to communicate on the network to
other computers. The network operating system supports the applications on that computer. A Network Operating System (NOS) includes Windows NT, Novell Netware, Linux, Unix and others.
Three Network Topologies The network topology describes the method used to do the physical wiring of the network. 
The main ones are bus, star, and ring.

Bus Topology

Bus - Both ends of the network must be terminated with a terminator. A barrel connector can be used to
extend it.

Ring Topology

Ring - Devices are connected from one to another, as in a ring. A data token is used to grant permission for
each computer to communicate.

Star Topology 

Star - All devices revolve around a central hub, which is what controls the network communications, and can communicate with other hubs. Range limits are about 100 meters from the hub.

There are also hybrid networks including a star-bus hybrid, star-ring network, and mesh networks with connections between various computers on the network. Mesh networks ideally allow each computer to have a direct connection to each of the other computers. The topology this documentation deals with most is star topology since that is what ethernet networks use.

Make your name stay on taskmanager

"Right now, I will show you something very simple, and cool.
I will show you how to make your name stay in the task bar (right next to the digital time)." ps

1. Open Start Menu and then open Control Panel
2. Double click Regional and Language Options
3. Click Customize (You have to chose English or it will not work)
4. Go to Time tab and change AM/PM symbols to the name of your choice!

Rename your RecycleBin to any other Name as you Like

1. Click Start / Run
2. Type regedit and press enter.
3. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder
4. Open the CLSID folder
5. Open the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folder
6. Open the ShellFolder folder

7. Change the "Attributes" data value from "40 01 00 20" to "50 01 00 20". Once
completed change the "CallForAttributes" dword value to "0x00000000" (double-
click and change value data to 0). You must change both of these values to get the
rename to appear.

After performing the above steps you will be able to rename the icon like any other
icon. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and click Rename and rename it
to whatever you wish.

Folder Lock without any software; using just a .bat file

"Paste the code given below in notepad ,enter the password that you need in the red marked position and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').Any name will do.
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.   
by   p$"
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

title Folder Locker

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End

How to make your computer faster

" This tutorial will teach you how to increase your operating system speed 3 times faster.this steps should be applied by either slow and fast computers. it will speed up your operating system surfing. there are 28 easy steps. it might take a bit long to apply them all especially if you're not familiar with windows registry, but trust me.. Am an Engineer..." ps

Ok now here it carefully... bcoz i wont accept any questions about it...

1.. Visual effects should be set to a minimum.
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance
Settings > Visual Effects Tab > Adjust for best performance

2. Switch Off Desktop Background Image
Right Click Desktop > Properties > Desktop Tab > Background None

3. Disable Screen Saver
Right Click Desktop > Properties > Screen Saver > None

5. Disable Fast User Switching
Start > Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change the way
users log on or off > Untick Use Fast User Switching

6. Switch Off Power Schemes
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Always On > Turn
off monitor and turn off hard discs to Never

7. Switch Off Hibernation
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate > Untick

8. Activate DMA on Hard Discs/CD ROMS
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager
> IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers > Right Click Primary IDE channel and
Secondary IDE channel > Properties > Advanced Settings Tab > Tra

9. Disable System Sounds
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Sounds
Tab > Sound Scheme to None.

10. Do Not Map Through Soundcard
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Hardware
Tab > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properties > Audio
Devices > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properti

11. Disable System Restore
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > System Restore Tab. Tick
the "Turn off System Restore on all Drives"

12. Disable Automatic Updates
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Automatic Updates > Turn
off automatic updating. I want to update my computer manually

13. Startup and Recovery Options
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Advanced > Startup and
Recovery Settings > Untick Automatically Restart
 14. Disable Error Reporting
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Advanced > Error Reporting
> Disable Error Reporting

15. Disable Remote Assistance
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Remote > Untick Allow
remote assistance invitations to be sent from this computer

16. Fix Swap File (Virtual Memory)
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance
Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory Change > Custom Size. Set initial
and maximum size to the same value

17. Speed Up Menus
Start > Run > Regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_ USER > Control Panel > Desktop
Folder. Set MenuShowDelay to 1

18. Disable Offline Files
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Folder Options > Offline Files
Untick "Enable Offline Files"

19. Disable Remote Desktop
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Remote > Untick "Allow
users to connect remotely to this computer"

20. Disable Internet Synchronise Time
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time >
Untick "Automatically synchronize with internet time server"

21. Disable Hide Inactive Icons
Start > Settings > Taskbar and Start Menu > Taskbar TAB > Uncheck
"Hide Inactive Icons"
22. Disable Automatic Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customise
Desktop > Untick "Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days"

23. Disable NTFS Last Access Time Logging (NTFS File Systems Only)
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System >
CurrentControlSet > Control > Filesystem. Add a new DWORD value -
"NtfsDisableLastAcc essUpdate" and set value to 1.

24. Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_ USER > Software > Microsoft >
Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced. Create a new DWORD
value called EnableBalloonTips and set to 0.

25. Disable CDROM Autoplay
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System >
CurrentControlSet > Services > Cdrom. Set autorun to 0.

26. Disable Disc Indexing Service
Right Click Start > Explorer > Right Click Each Disc > Properties >
Untick "Allow Indexing Service to index this disc for fast file

27.Restart ur pc...enjoy!! !

Measures to secure our Internet

Nowadays everybody is using a wireless router, but the question is how secure is it? I guaranteed that most of America when first getting a wireless router has an open connection or WEP security encryption, and a WEP encryption can be cracked quite easily with tools you can download off the internet for free to enter your realm of the internet. Now the question lies how do I protect myself? Well thats why I’m here to answer.
I have broken down the different ways to protect yourself through router by breaking it down into three levels:
  1. Wireless encryption
  2. Unnamed connection
  3. Mac Authentication

Wireless Encryption

In order to protect your data from outsiders, you should encrypt, or scramble, it so that nobody else can read it.  Hence why wireless encryption was created. When selecting an encryption you have to choose between WEP or WPA.
WEP was the encryption scheme included with the first generation of wireless networking equipment. It is very easy to crack and contain several vulnerabilities. So don’t go with this!
WPA was created after WEP to solve this problem. WPA has a significantly stronger wireless encryption but the stronger security impacts performance. So you will not be able to download as quick as you use too.

Unnamed connection

A unnamed connection is the next level of encryption that works in a completely different way.  With an unnamed connection it doesn’t display the ID or name of the connection. So a hacker will not only have to figure out an encrypted password they will also have to figure out the name so that they can connect to it which can be a big headache.

Mac Authentication

Remember that headache we were talking about to give the hacker. Mac Authentication can give the migraine. Mac Authentication is the process of selecting what devices are allowed to connect to the router. The way you would do this is finding out your mac address of your computer and having it registered into the router’s software. After doing so hackers will have to decrypt your password, find out the connection name and figure out a way to connect to your router or get ahold of your laptop or desktop.
All of the features I have mention in this article can be found on the newest routers such as linksys or netgear.

How to get rid of Password Sniffing by Key loggers

Another post for the day, I have accumulated all of them since last
weekend. Pushing them all at now. 
Working online and using your Internet Banking Facility, Key logging
Software‟s can take out your password the moment you type them and
further misuse them. You can simply take advantage of On screen Keyboar
utility provided by Microsoft to type without using keyboard. It will bring a
keyboard on your desktop and you can use your mouse pointer to click to
type any key. 
How to get it?
1. Use Win+R key to get Run dialog box 
2. Write "OSK" and press enter. 
3. Your Onscreen Keyboard is at your service. 
Alternatively you can find the same in 
"StartMenu->All Programs->Accessories->Ease of Access->On screen

This is how an On Screen Keyboard looks in Windows 7.

19 Futuristic and Creative Cell Phone Concepts

Mobile Phone is one of the fast developing thing in the field of technology. It's in the hands of each and everyone in this world and has become a part of our life. Then what about the future Collection of the most creative and interesting cell phone concepts designed by talented people from all over the globe.

Weather Cell Phone Concept

Beautiful cell phone concept design by Seunghan Song accurately detects and illustrates present weather conditions. 

Roll Out Bracelet Cell Phone - Concept
Alexey Chugunnikov created the mother of all concept phones: it has a transparent display, that’s also flexible and retractable. The Roller phone can be pulled up from a wrist band that serves as a normal watch and reveals a pretty large display. The flexible screen of the phone reaches from the wrist till the tips of your fingers, the ideal length of an interaction space.

Mobile Script Cell Phone Concept 
 Designed by Aleksander Mukomelov, this cell phone comes with a large touchscreen, that is located inside the phone in the collapsed state. 

Projector Cell Phone Concept
  Cool extra slim concept cell phone equipped with rotating screen with built-in projector; an ideal tool for field presentations. 

Braille Cell Phone concept
Many a time we do wonder how the blind is supposed to find cellphones useful, and here’s the Braille Phone concept which relies on Electric Active Plastic to create Braille code on the screen of the phone, allowing the visually impaired to read whatever message or incoming call simply by touching it.

Alarm Clock Cell Phone Concept
Sony Ericsson WakeUp Phone looks and functions like an alarm clock that will wake you up in the morning. 

Pen Cell Phone Concept
Target-shaped areas on top and bottom are earpiece and receiver.

Leaf Cell Phone - Concept
Leaf Phone Features an Organic Structure, is Made of Eco Friendly Plastic Leaf Phone Features an Organic Structure. Created by designer Anastasia Zharkova. The handset resembles a natural leaf and uses an organic structure, plus Eco-friendly plastic as its main material.

Edge Cell Phone Concept
Designed by Chris Owens, the transparent touchscreen keypad is edge lit by internal LED’s. 

Grass Cell Phones
Green mobile phones designed to last only for the length of its functional life cycle, they fall apart for easy recycling after two years are up. 

LG Helix Bracelet Cellphone
Being fancy is more important to some than being technologically up to date and this trend was also followed by designer Rob Luna, who created the LG Helix concept phone. This device can also be used as a slap bracelet and worn on the owner’s wrist. There’s also an LED section up front

Mechanical Cell Phone Concept
Cell phone designed by Mikhail Stawsky will charge its battery when you spin it around your finger. 

Flexible Cell Phone Concept
Beautiful wrist concept cell phone designed by Shirley A. Roberts. 

Ear Cell Phone Concept
Kambala is a cool mobile phone that transforms into an earpiece. 

Philips Fluid Flexible Smartphone Concept
Created by Brazilian Designer Dinard da Mata. You can wrap the device around your wrist and turn it into a bracelet for fashionable users. The handset supports gaming when the bracelet is rolled out horizontally, displaying virtual gaming controls.

Samsung Bracelet Smartphone
Erik Campbell designed a very original Samsung bracelet phone, a wearable mobile device concept that relies on memory alloy articulation. This smartphone is destined to reach the wrists of athletes, adventurers and tech freaks from all over the world.

Samsung Finger Touching Cellphone - Concept
The idea of a device that projects its keyboard or interface on a surface instead of incorporating a display hasn’t been exploited enough till now and here’s a concept that reminds us of the power of projectors. The Samsung Finger Touching hand phone is a sort of bracelet-like handset that projects its keypad onto your hand. The user’s fingers will become the keypad and the round segment of the concept phone is the one that incorporates the projector.

Purse Bracelet Fancy Cell Phone - Concept
Designer By Yw Li. This is surely a phone for ladies, a fancy device that can be worn like a precious purse or bracelet, due to a long and probably golden chain.

ZTE Cube Cell Phone
This device seems to be folded, with the aid of 3 hinges and that means that we’re dealing with a rather long phone, when it not gone “cube mode”. The concept was demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona by ZTE.

Change Your Logon Screen Without Any Softwares

Windows 7 makes it easy changing the Windows log-on screen.
1.  Go to start, and click on Run, type Regedit & press enter there.
2.  Navigate to :
rsion\Authentication\ LogonUI\Background 
3.  Double-click the OEMBackground DWORD key 
4.  Set value of the key to 1. 

5.  Select a background image for Logon Screen with size less than 256KB in size (Use of Image Resize software like VSO Resizer can help)
6.  Copy that image into the
C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds folder  
7.  Rename the image to backgroundDefault.jpg
8.  Reboot, and now your logon Image would have changed.

Here is my logon screen: 

Find The Health Of Your Laptop Battery

Windows 7 has a feature through which we can find out exactly how much battery you are actually getting from your Laptop battery, i.e. its efficiency, maximum charge potential.  It‟s a well-known fact that as the age of lithium battery increases its charging capacity decreases and it won‟t charge to its full potential as when it‟s new. We can find out exactly how much the battery of laptop is giving now. We can use the powercfg -energy to find out how health your
battery is. 

1. Open elevated command prompt by typing "cmd" in your start menu &
opening it with administrator privileges. 

 2. Type “powercfg –energy” into the command prompt & press Enter.
3. The command enables tracing for 60 seconds & would collect all the data
after observing the system behavior.
4. After analysis it would generate a report.

5. The energy report is generated in HTML format in the directory shown in
the command prompt.
Cmd Prompt Address\energy-report.html by default.
6. In the HTML file, scroll to the end till you get information like this:    

This shows the battery ID, Manufacturer name, Chemistry, Design capacity
and most importantly the last full charge.


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