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Praise is like a muscle; if we don't exercise it regularly, it becomes
weak. But if we flex and extend an attitude of gratitude daily,
praise grows into a strong, dependable force that nurtures hope and

carries us through the worst of circumstances.
Enjoy the peace.
We should learn from past mistakes, certainly, and then shed the guilt like a moth-eaten Winter coat. Admire a fresh Spring outfit and look ahead. Your past prepares you for the future if you are open to the present.
  Be patient - and is that not hard at times? It blindsides us via thoughtless neighbors, inconsiderate drivers, careless clerks, dense husbands, and children taking for--ev--er .... But waiting is an unavoidable part of life. I remember in my life's journey someone saying to me that the Bible says we don't have to come undone by it. The Lord's patience is our shield and defense, and He's got plenty stockpiled. I have never forgotten those words and they have helped me along the way in my days. 
 Do you remember as a child, being alone in your room as punishment or sitting with your nose plastered to the corner in time-out? It felt like your parents had abandoned you, didn't it? Now as adults it seems sometimes we still feel abandoned when that's not the case at all. Actually we are in a place strategically chosen to teach us, broaden us and improve us in the end.
Three things that will never break down, wear out or get lost. FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
These are things well worth keeping in your daily .

 It's nice to have friends.
The world wakes up.
How precious!
How austere!
Best Wildlife Pictures: British Nature Awards 2011

To be human is to have doubts and fears. But as faith grows, our doubts and fears lessen. The good days will increase in number.
Self pity may beckon today. But remember, fortunately, you have learned you do have other choices.


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