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How To Use A USB To Speed Up Your PC

A universal serial bus (USB) flash drive is a small, portable device that plugs into a computer's USB port. Like a hard disk, a USB flash drive stores information, but with a flash drive you can easily transfer that information from one computer to another. USB flash drives vary in size and shape and can hold gigabytes of information. USB flash drives are also called pen drives, key chain drives, key drives, and memory keys.
How To Enable ReadyBoost

               ReadyBoost can speed up your computer by using storage space on most USB flash drives and flash memory cards. When you plug a ReadyBoost-compatible storage device into your computer, the AutoPlay dialog box offers you the option to speed up your PC using ReadyBoost. If you select this option, you can choose how much memory on the device to use for this purpose.
When you set up a device to work with ReadyBoost, Windows shows you how much space it recommends you allow it to use for optimal performance. For ReadyBoost to effectively speed up your computer, the flash drive or memory card should have at least 1 gigabyte (GB) of available space. If your device does not have enough available space for ReadyBoost, you'll see a message telling you to free some space on the device if you want to use it to speed up your system.
You can enable or disable ReadyBoost for a specific flash drive or other removable storage device.

The ReadyBoost tab lets you decide how much storage space on a removable device to use for boosting your system speed.



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